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Sept 25-26, 2021 Launch Cancelled

Paul Joyce | Published on 9/21/2021

Hello Everyone,


Well, I have good news and bad news.


Good News First.  Faust Road, the dirt road that goes out to our Frank Hunt site, is getting paved!  Yes, no more wash board!  The Bad News is, Faust Road is getting paved and thus is closed.


We contacted Tooele County to see if there was any way we could use it this weekend while construction was not going on and it was an absolute, no.  I don't blame them for not wanting us beating up their freshly graded road.


Unfortunately, because of the road situation, we'll have to cancel this weekend's Sept 25th-26th launch.


When speaking with the Tooele Road Manager, they expect the road to be finished by Oct 1st.  We should be good for October's launch.


Please remember we'll be flying at Black Rock, U.R. NUTS Launch, Oct 8-10.  This launch is limited to 50 flyers and slots are filling fast so get registered if you plan on going.  If you've never flown at Black Rock, it's awesome.  It's like the salt flats but with dust instead of salt. :-)  We have a waiver in place for basically unlimited altitude and inclusive of Class 3 projects.  Come join us!

Utah Rocket Club Black Rock Launch - UR NUTS - 10/8/2021

